by Web South | Nov 2, 2012 | Uncategorized
What if you held a long drive event and no one cared? I’ve been around the world of long drive for a limited time and I continue to learn and form opinions about the sport. One thing that seems to be a constant is the lack of fan support and general interest...
by Web South | Nov 2, 2012 | Sasquatch
Golf is far from a perfect game and it’s played by imperfect people but with the correct mindset, it can remain fun and rewarding. This is my take on the 7 deadly sins of golf. LUST- After asking the question a bunch of times, it has become obvious that you...
by Web South | Oct 29, 2012 | Moby Matt
Most Golfers are familiar with putting in range time and often playing like a superstar while practicing. The old problem is taking it to the tee box. While some average players and weekend warriors feel pressure on the first tee box with extra eyeballs watching them,...